What I did today here at my place was really not comparable spectacular like that beach at Nikita's place...
I just tried to discover (I was asking myself that for nearly 11 years now), why there is such a strange hole in the ground on one of the hills nearby...
Problem is, that the whole area is already occupied by any kind of plants and trees...
Not much to see there any more, and nearly not any chance to get into it, without an axe and a machete.
But I found a small sign, hidden on the other side of the area, that this is an ancient open-cast mining field, I guess now abandonned for several hundred years...
Just to tell the short story of my day...
Ah, of course and yesterday I visited a rock (also for climbing issues) also nearby, called "Großer Hermannstein", where even Goethe liked to stay and write some poems...
Since one year the tourists also can climb on the top of this cliff with these iron stairs.
And there is also a small cave in the lower part of it.
Nope, this is not me, but a good impression of the climbing possibilities you can have.