Welcome to our modding tools page! Now we have a of list available H&D2 modding tools created by our beloved engineers. If you have released a new tool, an update or we forgot to add something, please contact one of our admins.
Note: some modding tools belong in multiple categories below.


Lutsip LS3D Editor 1.1.12
Unleash your creativity and design your own action-packed missions with Lutsip LS3D Editor – the level editor for Hidden & Dangerous 2
More: forum postby FlashX

Blender LS3D Tools
An addon for Blender which allows you to edit and create new models for Hidden & Dangerous 2.
More: forum postby FlashX

Max 4ds Tools
Max 4ds Tools is a scripted plugin for 3ds Max, it originally supported only Mafia, but now with version 0.7.0 it supports HD2 too, among all other LS3D engine games.
More: forum threadby Pudingus

H&D2 Item Editor
Excellent H&D2 items editors that allows you to add and edit new items to the game.
Password: Fgoogleby RellHaiser

Item Value Editor
Small Tool that helps editing various item properties in the video game Hidden & Dangerous 2.
by Metox

Player and in-game camera location x,y,z display (Hidden & Dangerous II), with additional camera movement options.
More: forum threadby Stern

A little program to extract all .dta archives used by the game Hidden & Dangerous 2.
by Metox

Models Images Preview
This "mod" contains images with model names to help people to find fast models for editing on Lutsip Editor.
More: Nexus Modsby Orellika


Lutsip LS3D Editor 1.1.12
Unleash your creativity and design your own action-packed missions with Lutsip LS3D Editor – the level editor for Hidden & Dangerous 2
More: forum postby FlashX

Item Value Editor
Small Tool that helps editing various item properties in the video game Hidden & Dangerous 2.
by Metox

H&D2 Item Editor
Excellent H&D2 items editors that allows you to add and edit new items to the game.
Password: Fgoogleby RellHaiser

H&D2 Maplist Editor
Great H&D2 editor for creating and editing existing mission and server maplists.
by ProSabre

RevEngEd2 Editor
RevEngEd2 is a double purpose editor. It integrates almost all the functionality provided by DC|ED, making you able you to modify H&D2 files in likely ways.
by Ikaros and Mikiller

HD2mc v2.0
This program adds descriptions of Items and Objectives at the end of each ITEM or OBJECTIVE line.
by Stern


Player and in-game camera location x,y,z display (Hidden & Dangerous II), with additional camera movement options.
More: forum threadby Stern

Random Scripting Introduction
Randomness creates many useful variations to make mission act different each time you play it. Mission with controlled variations will be interesting and will not get boring when played many many times...
More: forum threadby Stern

Server Tools

Server Manager 2.9.1
Originally developed by Fis around 2010 and updated by Stern again in 2024, it's the most useful tool for Windows H&D2 server hosting.
More: forum threadby Fis and Stern

Remote Server Control 1.43.25
Server and client tool to help manage H&D2 servers and players.
More: forum threadby JonnySniper


Models Images Preview
This "mod" contains images with model names to help people to find fast models for editing on Lutsip Editor.
More: Nexus Modsby Orellika

A little program to extract all .dta archives used by the game Hidden & Dangerous 2.
by Metox

Blender LS3D Tools
An addon for Blender which allows you to edit and create new models for Hidden & Dangerous 2.
More: forum postby FlashX

Max 4ds Tools
Max 4ds Tools is a scripted plugin for 3ds Max, it originally supported only Mafia, but now with version 0.7.0 it supports HD2 too, among all other LS3D engine games.
More: forum threadby Pudingus

Empty Vehicles v1.0
Simple H&D2 co-op missions created by culticaxe for testing all game vehicles.
by Culticaxe


Classic H&D2 Tutorials
A compilation of the classic H&D2 tutorials from over the years.
by Hawk, Zdenta, Ted Striker, Jacobston

Create New Vehicles
Part 1 of creating new vehicles and editing existing vehicles.
More: forum articleby Culticaxe