Royal Para Regiment

In HD2 there's no auto-downloading (installing) possible. So we need to do some handwork. But don't worry, it's simple.
Now basically you need to download a custom mission, unzip it (as in most cases the files been archived) and then copy the new files into your HD2 main directory.

HD2 main directory by default (64-bit Windows) is located here:
C:\\Program Files (x86)\Illusion Softworks\Hidden & Dangerous 2
and for 32-bit Windows:
C:\\Program Files\Illusion Softworks\Hidden & Dangerous 2


If you have sucessfully unzipped the mission files you should have got following folders
  • Missions
  • Scripts
  • Models
  • Maps
  • Sounds
Now just move these folders into your HD2 main directory.
To check if you have all done correctly you're folder structure should look like below.

C:\\...\Hidden & Dangerous 2\Missions\MISSION_NAME (contains scene.4ds, actors.bin, scene2.bin, tree.klz, ...)
C:\\...\Hidden & Dangerous 2\Scripts\MISSION_NAME (contains .scr files)
C:\\...\Hidden & Dangerous 2\Models\MODEL_NAME.4DS
C:\\...\Hidden & Dangerous 2\Maps\IMAGE_NAME.BMP
C:\\...\Hidden & Dangerous 2\Sounds\SOUND.WAV

Additional files like .txt files as the ReadMe you don't need to copy. However if you want to play a custom mission
on your own server then you have to update your mpmaplist.txt file which is in your HD2 main directory.
Update maplist tutorial


Goood morning! Have a happy weekend everyone :cool:

4 hours ago

Server manager crashed. Restarting!

Thank you for reporting, Ted :yes:

1 day ago

Justice Server seems to be bugged with Brest Gestopo map. No possibility to join :soldier:

1 day ago

Wish you all a loving Thursday :mm4:

2 days ago

Goood morning! Have a happy Wednesday :cool:

3 days ago

Hey Jake. What have you been up to? :mm4:

4 days ago

Hi everybody, I have been away a while but think about you all often - hope you are all doing well these days!

4 days ago

Hey Maki :mm6:

5 days ago

Good Morning All :cool:
Have a great day :sun:
Hi Snow ;)

5 days ago

Changed Justice missions list. I will have to update them all this week :yes:

5 days ago

Have a great week, folks :sun:

5 days ago

Gooood morning! Have a happy Sunday :cool:

6 days ago

Server restarting! Sorry for the delay. Thank you for reporting.

Have a beautiful evening!

6 days ago

Hey ! Please restart server ! Have a nice day all :)

1 week ago

Good morning :mm5:

1 week ago

Goood morning :mm6:

1 week ago

We have the same at midnight :D 38 degrees here for 5 days. Similar temps before that and from today only 35-36 :cool:

1 week ago

Fine and you ? here is very hot ,now 30 °C and the sun is almost set ;(

1 week ago

Bonsoir, Maki! How are you?

1 week ago

Helllooooooooooooooooo :cool:

1 week ago

Just a server manager crash. Restarting now!

Have a beautiful evening! :mm4:

1 week ago

Hi all , Hi Snow ! server off >?

1 week ago

Have a happy week, folks :cowboy:

1 week ago

Wish you all a blessed Sunday :mm5:

1 week ago

Goood morning! Have a happy weekend, everyone :mm4:

2 weeks ago

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