Hopefully following will explain better why we need donations and what we plan to do with, in case, surplus.
Help us keep this wonderful game running online!
How to donate?
You can use PayPal by clicking on following button
Alternatively you can sent donations directly to BetterYouThanMe's bank account:
Steffen Wolf
IBAN: DE63 6009 0800 0002 4128 36
For example, if you donate 10€ with PayPal, we receive 9,46€.
For any questions sent an This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Where do my donations go?
Now at first place they will help to reduce our monthly costs for the root server, on which we run our HD2 servers. However, additionally we will save it in a HD2 pool and split up for people who actually are still developing regarding our favourite game.
Hopefully this motivates people a bit to start or keep working on their HD2 projects.
Our running costs
Monthly we pay 10,5€ for our root server on which we host the HD2 servers and website. Furthermore we pay around 8€ each year for our rprclan.com domain. Our server is hosted by Hetzner.
It's a virtual private server (VPS) and located in Germany.
Thank you so much! :)
The amount in brackets is what we received, minus the fees by PayPal.
- 13/01/2024 RellHaiser 50€
- 04/04/2024 SnowmaN 60€
- 29/08/2024 SnowmaN 100€
- 07/04/2023 SnowmaN 60€
- 30/08/2023 SnowmaN 100€
- 07/03/22 Josua 40,00€
- 18/02/22 SnowmaN 20,00€ (19,15€)
- 05/10/2022 SnowmaN 50€
- 17/12/2022 SnowmaN 15€
- 02/11/21 SnowmaN 10,00€ (9,40€)
- 25/09/21 SnowmaN 20,00€ (19,15€)
- 10/07/21 Juanma66 20,00€ (19,15€)
- 19/05/21 Michael W. 10,00€ (9,40€)
- 05/05/21 SnowmaN 50,00€ (48,40€)
- 06/04/21 SnowmaN 20,00€ (19,15€)
- 14/01/21 Bernard R. 20,00€
- 07/01/21 Patrick B. 10,00€ (9,40€)
- 04/01/21 Josua 40,00€
- 03/01/21 Mark H. 20,00€ (19,15€)
- 21/12/20 Bernard R. 20,00€
- 28/11/20 DanJ 150€ (145,91€) Fitness Challenge (Snowman 60€ + WANGER 90€)
- 30/10/20 snowman 50,00$ (41,58€)
- 06/10/20 Patrick B. 10,00€ (9,40€)
- 20/05/20 snowman 100,00€ (97,16€)
- 08/05/20 Bernard R. 10,00€ (9,40€)
- 11/03/20 Kevin B. 5,00€ (4,43€)
- 07/02/20 Josua 40,00€
- 30/01/20 Mark H. 20,00€ (19,15€)
- 29/07/19 Stefan Misic 1,95€ (1,49€)
- 22/02/19 Josua 40,00€
- 11/01/19 Odysseus 50,00€ (48,40€)
- 17/01/18 Josua 40,00€
- 12/01/18 Mark H. 25,00€ (24,17€)
- 17/12/17 Andre (Ita) 10,00€ (9,46€)
- 07/10/17 Nikita 15,00€
- 22/05/17 Josua 40,00€
- 23/02/17 Mark H. 30,00€ (29,08€)
- 10/08/16 Josua 40€
- 12/02/16 Maquisard83 16€ (15,35€)
- 03/02/16 George Thomson 30,00€ (29,08€)
- 18/01/16 ian bailie 5,00€ (4,55€)
- 20/12/15 SnowmaN 30,00€ (29,08€)
- 18/12/15 ian bailie 5,00€ (4,55€)
- 18/11/15 ian bailie 5,00€ (4,55€)
- 18/10/15 ian bailie 5,00€ (4,55€)
- 15/10/15 George Thomson 30,00€ (29,08€)
- 18/09/15 ian bailie 5,00€
- 26/08/15 SnowmaN 21,50€
- 02/06/15 IVANHO B NL 25€
- 13/05/15 Juanma66 10€
- 13/05/15 Norbert79 8€
- 18/01/15 Josua 40€
- 01/01/15 Maquisard83 10€
- 17/11/14 SnowmaN 30€
- 27/10/14 Antonio S. 20€
- 13/10/14 Matěj Ř. 5€
- 11/10/14 Dominik S. 10€
- 17/09/14 Juanma66 10€
- 17/09/14 NL 20€
- 17/09/14 Maquisard83 10€
- 18/07/14 Josua 40€
- 10/03/14 George Thomson 20€
- 09/03/14 Juanma66 10€
- 24/02/14 Nikita 15€
- 07/02/14 Igor A. 10€
- 06/02/14 Foxsch 20€
- 18/01/14 NL 10€
- 16/01/14 BK and SnowmaN 30€
- 18/12/13 Mark H. 20€