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12 years 1 month ago - 12 years 1 month ago #13 by Morty
Replied by Morty on topic Worldwide news
shocking happening, and certainly this kind of madness will continue...

Connecticut elementary school massacre: 20 children among 27 dead

CBS news

Always be yourself unless you can be a unicorn, then always be a unicorn.

Last edit: 12 years 1 month ago by Morty.
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12 years 1 month ago - 12 years 1 month ago #14 by Nikita
Replied by Nikita on topic Worldwide news
Seen on Ouest-France today

Photo credit: AFP

An exceptional picture of the nuclear mushroom cloud that destroyed the Japanese city of Hiroshima on August 6, 1945, was discovered in the back of a school library in the city, announced Wednesday a Curator of the peace of the city.

We think this photo in black and white was taken about 30 minutes after the explosion and ten kilometers east of the hypocenter. It shows the deadly cloud rising into two distinct parts.

"The existence of this picture was documented in history books, but this is the first time we discovered a draw," said the curator of the Peace Memorial.

The photo was found among a pile of papers and documents relating to the explosion and gathered in an elementary school in the martyr city.

The most famous of the explosion and the deadly fungus were taken from the sky by the U.S. Airforce.
Last edit: 12 years 1 month ago by Nikita.

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11 years 10 months ago - 11 years 10 months ago #15 by Nikita
Replied by Nikita on topic Worldwide news

I can't resist to post this and to salute the decision of the European Court for Human Rights today, in the case Hervé Eon vs France.

Link here

The facts:

- February 23, 2008 : During a meeting, Nicolas Sarkozy, French president in exercise, insult a man who refuse the shake hand with the president. Sarkozy dare : "Casse toi, pauvre con!" (“Get lost, you sad prick!”), which says a lot about the idea that Sarkozy makes of the respect for others and his ability to control his nerves... These pictures will deeply mark the spirits at that time, and here we are still talking about...

- Later in 2008 : During a presidential visit in the city of Laval, a man, Hervé Eon, waved a placard inscribed with the same words that the President had uttered in February. The placard says nothing else and is anonym, no name and no qualifications.

- Following that, the Procureur de la République (something as State Attorney), who, like all the State Attorneys in France and according to the French Constitution, represent the State and is under control of the politic power and the ministry of justice, decide pursuits against Hervé Eon for "offense of insulting the head of state".

- November 2008 (you see, sometimes the French justice works quickly...) : Hervé Eon is condemned with a fine of 30 euros principle of conditional (the State Attorney claimed 1000 euros). This decision will be confirmed by the Court of Appeal. We refuse to Hervé Eon the appeal in Supreme Court. (!!!!)

- March 2013 : Hervé Eon goes to the European Court for Human Rights. On March 14, 2013, this institution condemns France, ruling "a disproportional use of criminal sanction" and a violation of the european convention.

:gj: :gj: :gj: :gj: :gj: :gj: :gj: :gj: :gj: :gj: :gj: :gj: :gj: :gj: :gj: :gj: :gj: :gj:

It happened in 2008, not in North Korea, not in a dictatorship in South America, no... In France...

"Selon que vous serez puissant ou misérable"
Jean de la Fontaine
Les animaux malades de la peste

EDIT : For that, I say that Europe is good, it helps to break down some masks and burn some stereotypes and others idealized images.
Sorry, Mister Sarkozy, but today we wash dirty linen in public.
Last edit: 11 years 10 months ago by Nikita.

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11 years 10 months ago - 11 years 10 months ago #16 by snowman
Replied by snowman on topic Worldwide news
Thank you. I didn't know about this :yipi:

I wish there would be some institutional unity of Europe so that everyone
who does not obey the law, like here in Romania, would go to prison big time.
I think that would help push some integrity an sense of responsibility into
our citizens and those who lead the country for the best of everyone.

"Straight and narrow is the path."
Last edit: 11 years 10 months ago by snowman.
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  • "Never interrupt an enemy who's making a mistake." Napoléon Bonaparte
11 years 10 months ago - 11 years 10 months ago #17 by Nikita
Replied by Nikita on topic Worldwide news

snowman wrote: Thank you. I didn't know about this :yipi:

I wish there would be some institutional unity of Europe so that everyone
who does not obey the law, like here in Romania, would go to prison big time.
I think that would help push some integrity an sense of responsibility into
our citizens and those who lead the country for the best of everyone.

My opinion is that in this case, there was clearly abuse of power and denial of justice by refusing to Hervé Eon the appeal in the Court of Cassation (French Supreme Court). It is quite revealing of the personality of the former French president and his tendency to behave like a despot. Once, King Louis XIV of France said: "The state is me." Sarkozy had probably forgotten that water has flowed under the bridge since ...

EDIT : To be better understood, it should be noted that, in the French judicial system, the Court of Cassation (French Supreme Court) do not judge the case itself (that is supposed to have been done during the first trial and the second trial in Appeal Court), but check that, throughout the procedure, all laws have been met. It's decision can lead to remand the case to start in case of non compliance with any law. After this Court, there remains only the European Court.
Last edit: 11 years 10 months ago by Nikita.

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  • "Never interrupt an enemy who's making a mistake." Napoléon Bonaparte
11 years 10 months ago - 11 years 10 months ago #18 by Nikita
Replied by Nikita on topic Worldwide news

Lads, i got this information right now after reading the local press here.

A seventh Tiger tank in the world

A German Tiger tank rebuilt in Westphalia, from recovered pieces for twenty-five years in the region of Normandy Trun (Orne), will be presented at Munster Panzer Museum on March 22. With this one, there are seven in the world.

More informations here (French).

Basically, it say that M. Hoebig father and son have aquired a lot of Tiger tank parts from the tanks destroyed during the fights of the Falaise pocket in Normandie, in August 1944. They used them in order to rebuilt a real Tiger tank, without engine. The tank will be showed at the panzer museum in Munster on March 22. According to the journalist's informations, there are today only seven remaining Tiger tanks, including this one:

- One in Bovington (Great-Britain)
- Two in France, in Saumur and Vimoutiers (i have made a post about this one of Wimoutiers here )
- Two in Russia, in Kubinka and Lenino-Snegir
- One in United-Sates, in Aberdeenn
- And this last one in Germany, in Munster.

Credit : US archives/ Eric de Grandmaison
Last edit: 11 years 10 months ago by Nikita.
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